


  • Presentation
  1. Japan-Turkey Cooperative Program on Resilience Engineering for Energy and Urban Systems (Naoto SEKIMURA, The University of Tokyo)
  2. Opening Address of the Symposium (Alper ILKI, Istanbul Technical University) 
  3. Academic Infrastructure in Nuclear Education and Involvement in Current Projects (ŞENTÜRK LÜLE, Istanbul Technical University) 
  4. Cross- Cultural Communication (Ayşe Nur TEKMEN, Ankara University) 
  5. Nuclear Safety and Knowledge Management after the Fukushima Accident (Naoto SEKIMURA, The University of Tokyo) 
  6. Risk Management against External Events (Tsuyoshi TAKADA, The University of Tokyo) 
  7. Research on Urban Earthquake Engineering at Tokyo Tech.-Earthquake Disaster Mitigation – (Hiroaki YAMANAKA, Tokyo Institute of Technology)
  8. Turkish NPP Projects (Özkan ÖZTÜRK, Nuclear Energy Project Implementation Department)